
$15M for Rukita to help Indonesians find their perfect rentals

March 8, 2024

Get a room! Or an apartment. Meet Rukita, the Indonesian proptech startup that just raised $15M in Series B1 funding!

  • Profitable! Founded in 2019, the company has been EBITDA positive for the past four years.
  • They have over 1.4M rooms with over 3M unique users visiting their platform monthly.

Investor check. MPower Partners, BNI Ventures, Openspace Ventures, and other international impact investors including NBA star Jeremy Lin.

  • Existing investors include Peak XV’s Surge, Golden Gate Ventures, Shunwei Capital, OCBC Ventures and real estate veteran David Tsang also joined in.
  • Jeremy Lin also invested in Indonesia’s Binar Academy.

⬇️ Started from the bottom

They started as a co-living startup for urban areas. Now, they’ve gone beyond to develop a range of long-term living options to help Indonesians of any age, income, lifestyle, and life stage to choose from!

💪🏼 Now we’re here

Afraid of commitment? Gone are the days of committing to rentals for 6 months or more, with all the upfront fees.

  • With Rukita, stays are a minimum of 30 days and you can pay monthly.

Something for everyone. They offer single rooms all the way to luxurious apartments.

  • Into the details. If you’re on a budget, a couple, want to live with just women, are co-living, need parking, or need to live near public transportation—they can fit your needs.
  • They even offer corporate housing and business travel accommodation for businesses!

Rukita for Property Owners. Property owners, Rukita can even help you build your own property to rent! If you have ready-to-rent properties already, they can manage, market, and refurbish them!

🔥 What’s next?

With the funding, they’ll be pushing for growth! This means developing their tech, expanding their offerings, and hiring.

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