Say hi to SynPhNe! This Singapore-based startup designed a wearable device that helps rehabilitate stroke survivors and patients with neurology-related disorders. Now, they’ve just raised a $5M Series A!
Investor check. Event Horizon Technologies, which is affiliated with the Nadathur Group.
🧠 Not a Neuralink
Mind-muscle connection. SynPhNe measures both brain and muscle activity during tasks and activities.
Based on the measured brain and muscle activity, the software can recommend the right training sessions.
While you’re training, it will continue recording your activity and guiding you through, allowing you to know, adjust, and learn your movements as you train.
👇🏼 Why it matters
Anytime, anywhere. For one, it allows people to have more efficient in-hospital therapy.
But what makes SynPhNe stand out is it makes it easy for patients to rehabilitate remotely through teleconsultations or even on their own without a doctor (after training!).
It’s in the data. Therapists can give high-quality and customized treatment, while being able to track patients’ progress remotely in real time.
🌏 Hello, world!
With the $$$, they’ll focus on expanding in the US, Singapore, India, and other markets.
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