
$5M to rehabilitate stroke survivors

March 12, 2024

Say hi to SynPhNe! This Singapore-based startup designed a wearable device that helps rehabilitate stroke survivors and patients with neurology-related disorders. Now, they’ve just raised a $5M Series A!

  • Founded in 2013, SynPhNe was incubated by NTU’s NTUitive program.
  • It was inspired by the founder’s experience in recovery after being left disabled after a car accident

Investor check. Event Horizon Technologies, which is affiliated with the Nadathur Group.

  • The Nadathur Group is the family office of Nadathur Raghavan, co-founder of NASDAQ-listed software giant Infosys.

🧠 Not a Neuralink

Mind-muscle connection. SynPhNe measures both brain and muscle activity during tasks and activities.

Based on the measured brain and muscle activity, the software can recommend the right training sessions.

  • It’s non-invasive, so, no, there won’t be any chips implanted into your brain!
  • This is for people with stroke, traumatic brain injuries, learning disabilities, chronic stress, aging-related issues and pain.

While you’re training, it will continue recording your activity and guiding you through, allowing you to know, adjust, and learn your movements as you train.

👇🏼 Why it matters

Anytime, anywhere. For one, it allows people to have more efficient in-hospital therapy.

But what makes SynPhNe stand out is it makes it easy for patients to rehabilitate remotely through teleconsultations or even on their own without a doctor (after training!).

It’s in the data. Therapists can give high-quality and customized treatment, while being able to track patients’ progress remotely in real time.

🌏 Hello, world!

With the $$$, they’ll focus on expanding in the US, Singapore, India, and other markets.

  • They already have an international presence because of their training centers in Singapore and India.
  • They also have institutional partnerships with hospitals and private medical and physiotherapy centers, as well as pilot projects with patients and institutions in the US.

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