Ice Breakers

Ice Breakers with Mike Maté (Vice President, Kickstart Ventures)

October 15, 2024

Mike Maté is a Vice President for Investments at Kickstart Ventures, the largest venture capital firm in the Philippines. Prior to Kickstart, Mike worked in private equity, investment banking, and as an M&A lawyer in Manila and San Francisco. During his free time, he spends family time with his English Bulldog named Freddie Mercury.

👋🏼  How would you explain your job to someone outside tech?

I identify and evaluate compelling companies to provide them with the capital and support they need to grow and succeed.

🧐  What's something about you or your job that would surprise us?

I graduated with a degree in history. Funnily enough, it has been helpful for investing. As George Santayana supposedly said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” So I try to invest with a historical lens, learning from my own and others’ past mistakes and accomplishments.

🏆  What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?

Just being able to come to work and meet different, interesting people and companies everyday is highlight enough. Just this year, we’ve looked at everything from sneakers to AI and even advanced materials. That variety is pretty neat.

🔍  What's a startup trend or space you're watching this year?

New retail through omnichannel, verticalized ecommerce and direct to consumer solutions. Private consumption is the primary economic growth driver in a very young Southeast Asian demographic. I’m interested to see how startups take advantage of that in the coming years.

💼  What advice would you give someone starting out in your industry?

Be a humble sponge. Don’t assume you know the answers, ask questions, and soak everything up! So much of being a VC is being exposed to complex and smart ideas, companies and people. It would be a shame if you didn’t learn from them because you already think you know everything.

🗣  What's one thing you can keep talking about for hours?

Duke Basketball. I love my Blue Devils. We are going to win it all this year!

🎥  What's your favorite movie/TV show?

Braveheart. It’s an epic underdog movie.

🍨  What's your go-to ice cream flavor?

Vanilla, because it goes with everything. Turon, crepe, apple pie, cookies, the list goes on and on!

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