
The IFC's betting on Indonesian MSMEs

March 15, 2022

Need a loan? Meet AwanTunai. They help Indonesian MSMEs get loans and have just raised $8.5M in Series A3!

Who cashed in? The World Bank's IFC, Insignia Ventures Partners, Global Brain, Benchmark Advantage Fund, OCBC NISP Ventura, Ho Swee Chun and Battery Road Digital.

  • The IFC poured in $5M, and they also got debt funding from a bank.
  • We hear the IFC also invested in Growsari, another MSME-focused startup in the Philippines.
  • AwanTunai's last fundraise was an $11.2M equity and $45M debt round in August 2021.

🛒  How it works

They focus on providing loans for the supply chain, especially in the FMCG and grocery sectors.

For merchants. They help merchants order inventory from their app. Forget writing down orders and managing tons of suppliers at a time.

For wholesalers. You'll get a supplier dashboard and point-of-sale (POS) system to monitor and manage your inventory and transactions.

💰 What's with the $$$?

They're continuing their expansion to grow across Indonesia and become a full-stack operating and financial platform for MSMEs.

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